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Employer Relations Scorecard Results

Your results are displayed below under three areas, Planning, Programs & Services, and Performance along with average scores for each of the 9 success drivers.

You can access these results from your profile. If you would like to complete the Employer Relations Scorecard again go to resources.


1. Clarity + Commitment -7 10
Employer relations goals and objectives align with departmental directionN/A
Employer relations team is clear about how they support the goals & objectivesN/A
Employer relations is embedded in department’s strategic planN/A
Department leader understands and communicates how employer relations supports student success7
2. Lead Generation + Business Development-15 20
Data from employer activities and job postings is gathered to support planning and decision-making10
Target markets identified based on school programs and the labour market5
Employer outreach plan articulated, executed and analyzed annuallyN/A
3. Marketing + Communications -12 30
Promotional materials for employers are informative and engagingN/A
Appropriate tools are used to promote services to employers (social media, emails, posters, displays)N/A
Employers are aware of the breadth of services available5
Communications with employers are timely, responsive, and reinforce a positive experience5
Website is user friendly and informative for employers2

Programs & Services

4. Programs, Events + Services -26 40
Programs, events and services for employers meet their needs5
Employers optimize use of programs, events and services6
Recruitment programs and events attract the right students8
Recruitment programs and events attract sufficient numbers of students7
5. Employer Experience -22 30
Relationships with employer partners are consultative7
Employer relations team is a trusted source of information/advice for employersN/A
Employers’ accomplishments are recognized and celebratedN/A
In person experiences for employers are consistently positive (respectful, responsive, personalized, accessible)10
Online experiences (web, job posting, CRM) for employers are consistently positive (user friendly, simplified, personalized, accessible)5
6. Student + Campus Connections -18 30
Skills & knowledge developed by students through academic programs is understood by employer relations team and communicated to employersN/A
Student demographics, preferences, values and interests are understood and communicated to employersN/A
Relationships with diverse students and student groups are cultivated5
Collaboration/partnerships exist across campus units that engage with employers8
Partnerships with internal units (faculties, student services, alumni office, etc.) are developed to support employer-student connections


7. Team -15 20
Employers’ campus recruiting processes, timelines, and challenges are clearly understood by team members5
Employer relations team members have the right credentials, skills and competencies to do their jobs effectivelyN/A
Training and development opportunities are available to enhance team member’s knowledge and skillsN/A
Employer relations unit has sufficient capacity to deliver supports to employer, student, campus partner stakeholders10
8. Mechanics -11 20
Employer relations processes are clearly documented, easily repeated and maximize productivityN/A
Employer relations team has the tools and resources required to be successful6
Appropriate software (CRM, job posting, event management, etc.) is available and optimized to support employer relations5
9. Metrics -0 0
Employer programs, events and services are regularly measured, benchmarked and evaluatedN/A
Employer partnership activities are measured and evaluatedN/A
Input from leadership is systematically sought and acted uponN/A
Objective, confidential feedback is regularly collected from employers and acted uponN/A