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Upcoming Events Available to Non-Members

The Employer Relations Alliance (ERA) webinars, panel discussions, expert workshops and other online events are FREE to all ERA members.

Members of the ERA community have access to a minimum of 12 online events with their annual membership fee as well as a wealth of other benefits to support their success when building employer partnerships on campus.

Non-members working on campus are invited to attend the following events for a nominal fee.

Please note: registration fees are for individual participants only and are not for sharing with groups.

Research Insights: Highlights from the 2024 Campus Recruitment Outlook Report Part 1

Fri, April 5 2024

1pm EST

In part 1 of this webinar series, Graham Donald, President, Brainstorm Strategy Group Inc., will share key findings from the 2024 Campus Recruitment Outlook Report. Based on a survey of Canadian employers, the report provides insights into the current state of campus recruiting as well as a forecast of expected hiring in 2024-25. This session will look at trends such as: hiring statistics, recruitment methods, preferred skills, key challenges, recruitment programs, retention and hire-back rates, and much more!

During this workshop, participants will also have the opportunity to discuss the findings and their implications with peers.

Members of the Employer Relations Alliance will receive a FREE copy of the full report - a value of $895.

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